Friday, October 21, 2022

The Real Lincoln Del Chocolate Cream Ice Box Pie

The real Lincoln Del recipe for their chocolate ice box pie.   Took me years to find it.  The original recipe card had the amounts for 7 pies so I needed to do some scaling down.  

Here it is:

** Recipe for one pie 

4 1/2 ounces of butter or 9 tablespoons 

2.3 Oz unsweetened baking chocolate bar ( I use 2.5 oz)

6.85 Oz granulated sugar or approximately nine-tenths of a cup of sugar

6.1 Oz eggs or three large eggs. I use pasteurized eggs.

One pre-baked pie shell.


Beat butter with sugar until creamy. Use paddle attachment if you use a stand mixer. Carefully melt and slightly cool chocolate so it is not hot.  Blend into sugar butter mixture.

Important Next Step:  Use wire whip on your electric stand mixer or regular beaters on your hand-held electric mixer to add one egg at a time, beating on high speed for about 4 or 5 minutes for each egg. Scrape sides and bottom of bowl in between adding each egg. Mixture will get lighter in color with each egg.   DO NOT USE PADDLE ATTACHMENT FOR THIS STEP OR YOUR PIE WILL NOT TURN OUT.  

 Mixture may be a little grainy.  That’s how the pie was. 

 Fill pie crust and refrigerate.   The filling will set up in a couple of hours.

 Whip heavy cream and add a little sugar to it.  Spread on top.  Enjoy!!!


Unsweetened chocolate usually comes in a 4 oz bar.  If those bars are made up of (8)  1/2 ounce sections, I use 2.5 ounces, or 5 sections. 

 Recipe tastes best with a savory pie crust, but I have used a gluten free oreo type crust also.

Original recipe from recipe card made 7 pies.

2 lb of butter or 32 oz 

1 lb of unsweetened solid baking chocolate or 16 oz 

3 lb of granulated white sugar or 48 oz 

20 eggs or approximately 42.5 Oz


Converted into ounces and divided by 7 for one pie.

32 oz of butter divided by 7 equals 4.57 oz

16 oz of unsweetened solid baking chocolate divided by 7 equals 2.28 oz

48 oz of granulated sugar divided by 7 equals 6.85 oz

20 eggs divided by 7 equals  6.1 oz